Mr. Tribal President and Tribal Council, Where Did Tribal Members Federal LIHEAP Funds Go?
Rosebud Sioux Tribal Members know we have a very had winter this year, a winter that's not been experienced for decades. With that being said, the Rosebud Sioux Tribal Council approved ARPA funds for Tribal Members electricity and/or propane in the approved dollar amount. Tribal Members completed an application process and once approved, they received a large credit on their electricity account or received propane on the allotted amount until such approved funds were out for this individual Tribal Member household. This was a good gesture on behalf of the Tribal Council at this time. The Tribal Council acted within the Tribal Constitution under Article IV, Section 1 - (q) To provide for the protection of all minors, mentally incompetent, and others who need protection or assistance for reason of health, age, or other extenuating circumstances. Well, we have a very serious issue with the Federal LIHEAP money now. The serious problem we have is, Tribal...